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Litter Brigade

The Litter Brigade meets weekly to walk and beautify the neighborhood. Mondays from 5-6 PM. Contact Matt Indovina or Greg Manley if you'd like to get involved.



Spending just one hour each week is enough to make a huge impact on our environment and community.  The Litter Brigade removes thousands of pounds of trash, beautifying the area while also protecting wildlife, plant life, waterways, soil and ecosystems from toxic and dangerous chemicals and materials. When we do this with others, it connects us not only to nature, but amplifies CARING for the community and one another. The health benefits of walking (mental and physical) along with the benefits you provide the environment are astounding. 

Litter League

The annual 6-week competition beginning on Earth Day where teams compete to pick up the most trash throughout Allegheny County!

Each Spring, teams of neighbors and colleagues compete in tournaments and trashy challenges to earn points and win prizes. At the end of the season, an overall champion is declared and  teams are awarded in four categories: 

Overall Champions, Heavy Lifters, Helpers & the Clean up Artists. 

Your Northside team, the 412 Redder Uppers, took Overall Champions in 2023! 


"The 412 Redder Uppers excelled in every aspect of gameplay.  Not only did they report the largest quantity of litter in their division,  expanded their territory from the neighborhood of Fineview to the larger region of Pittsburgh’s Northside, recruiting star players and clearing large illegal dumpsites with coordination and speed."


- Friends of the Riverfront Referee, Gregory Manley


Join Litter League

Friends of the RiverfrontAllegheny Cleanways

Curious about Litter League?

Litter Collection  March - NOVEMBER 2023.jpg

©2025-2035 by Our Future Hilltop, a collaboration of Fineview Citizens Council & Perry Hilltop Citizens' Council

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